Wax Workings

Fishnet stocking, elastic string, wooden frame, white spray paint, paraffin wax, wax dye colouring cubes
Wax Workings furthered my experimentation with form building through using unconventional materials to create solid and permanent structures. Illustrated below, I have combined wax and mesh fabric to form a new way to use material. As part of my findings, I discovered that it is possible to substitute uncommon or alternate materials to create a new type form. In this case, a functional seat.
My initial curiosity led me to examine the simplest form the mesh fabric could be manipulated into. In the exhibited flexible installation, I explored how light and shadow behaved with the material, and the different forms, voids, and expressions that could be created.Due to the nature of the mesh fabric, without the clear string supporting the structure, each form created is impermanent and thus dependent on the tension of the string.
I then chose to use a brush to paint melted wax over the mesh fabric to create a solid structure and to illustrate how an ambiguous shape can become a permanent form. Once the wax has hardened over the mesh, permanent solid forms are created that do not need to be sustained by the string.

Interested in working together?

Please reach out at madcylaw@gmail.com :)